StartRight+ is the
University of Wyoming's course material program that provides students with
access to all required materials at a single price at the beginning of each
semester. Starting in Fall 2024, StartRight+ has offered instant access to all
required textbooks for a flat rate of $275 per semester for all undergraduate
The University Store collaborates closely with instructors to ensure that all necessary books and materials for classes are available. All undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in the program. If a course material is not available in a digital format, a physical copy can be picked up at the University Store. This may include course packets, lab manuals, and other related content.
Are you a graduate student?
The first phase of StartRight+ will only include undergraduate students
in the scope of the program. For Spring 2025, all graduate students will be enrolled into our
StartRight Choice program. Which allows students to compare book prices and choose only the materials
they wish to access for the semester. Students must actively opt out of individual titles they do not
need. If no action is taken, they will remain opted in and be charged for all selected titles.
If your materials are provided in print, please use the
button below to purchase your textbooks.
StartRight+ Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common queries about StartRight+ to
streamline your experience and make the most of our program.
Accessing & Using StartRight+ Course Materials